I honestly can’t believe it’s already May! When I look back I wish I would have started being Broke on Purpose back in January, but these past two months have been great momentum wise and we’re hoping to keep it up (to read how this journey started head here). To date, the Wright Household has paid off a whopping $7303.05 of debt and it feels absolutely amazing. This includes four credit cards and a car note. Another great thing about this whole thing is that while my debt is going down my credit score is going up! On March 25th my credit score was 662, which is considered good but to me it’s horrible. As of May 3 my credit score is has risen 18 points to 680! I’m pretty sure once we start paying down this last credit card and tackling our student loans my credit score will go even higher.

One thing that helps keep in line with tracking our budget, figuring out who’s next up on the Debt Snowball, as well as tracking blogging business is my planner.  Before I was using a Kate Spade 17 month Agenda. I actually really liked it, the only problem was that it was lacking a lot of things that I’ve come to need as I continue on this BOP journey. Since the Kate Spade planner wasn’t giving me everything that I wanted I got the crazy idea that I’d make my own planner. This way I could customize it to be everything that I needed. I was all excited about this idea until I found this Heidi Swapp Memory Planner at my local Micheals. Now, for full disclosure I want to say that I am not, nor do I think I will ever be, one of those people who goes slap happy crazy with decorating a planner. I know that a lot of people find comfort in it, but I honestly don’t feel it’s something I can ever wrap my head around. The Heidi Swapp Memory planner was everything I wanted and then some. It’s a four ring planner/life journal that allows is set up for someone who wants to keep track of things. For me, it would be my Broke on Purpose Journey. The thing I was most excited about was the fact that I could create my own inserts to put inside.

Hedi Swapp memory planner Heidi Swapp Memory Planner

The inserts that I created were basically things to help keep me motivated and organized throughout the month. I also created inspirational cards to put into the 3×3 card slots that come with the planner. First up are the inserts that are full pages (6×8). From L-R:

1. An insert that will allow me to journal your thoughts as to why you’re living broke on purpose for the particular month. This is can be a very emotional journey depending on what you have a stake. I want to be able to record these thoughts in one place to help remind me to keep the faith.

2. A Broke on Purpose Month Insert:

3. Family Debt snowball sheet to keep in front of my journal. This will allow me to always see my debts and know how much more I have to go before they are all paid off. It will also motivate me to work harder and sacrifice more to get to the next debt.

4. Total Pay Off Amount to date. This is a monthly insert where I will write how much I’ve paid off to date at the beginning of every month. Again, this serves as a reminder to keep going forward and to never go backward.


Broke on Purpose 6x8 Inserts

Want to use these in your planner? You can download them by clicking the link below!

This Month I’m living Broke on Purpose: Download

Broke on Purpose Months (Click each month to Download): May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Debt Snow Ball :  Download

Total Pay Off Amount: Download


I also made 3×3 card inserts that will fit into the transparent card slots for each month. These cards have inspirational/motivational quotes on them to inspire me each month. There is also a Baby Step 2 insert where I will write the current debt and balance each month as a reminder.

Broke On Purpose Inserts

Baby Step 2: Download

Dave Ramsey Quote: Download

Write the Vision: Download

Marathon: Download

Robbing Peter: Download

Borrower is slave to the Lender: Download

Here’s a peek at the actual planner in action!  I am loving these inserts and I know they are going to help me in our Get of Debt Journey!

Broke on Purpose Month to Date Pay Off in Planner

Now I want to share with you all our goals for getting of debt and living Broke on Purpose for the Month of  May. What are you doing to get of debt and live Broke on Purpose this month? Are you giving up dining out? Having a Yard Sale? Working overtime maybe? Share your plans in the comments below.


Follow more of our Broke on Purpose Journey by visiting the links below:

Broke on Purpose the Beginning

Broke On Purpose: You’ll make It Work

Broke on Purpose April 2015 Goals

Broke on Purpose: April Wrap-up. We’re officially Team No Car Payment!

Broke on Purpose May 2015 Goals New Planner and Free Printables