We spent 10 months living Broke on Purpose. Find out how much debt we paid off this year. www.livebrokeonpurpose.com

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First off Happy New Year!

Wow, I can’t believe it is 2016. This is the first time I’ve been super pumped for a new year. So many great things happened for us in 2015 one of them being Broke on Purpose. I started Broke on Purpose when I realized we were in deep trouble financially if we didn’t change our habits. What started off as a challenge to myself turned into something so much bigger than I imagined. I wrote an Ebook that you can pick up (here), and I’ve been meeting with some amazing people through my Broke on Purpose Consultations. There is so much I want to say to you all but I plan to say it in my Periscope Series coming soon.

2015 Year-End Debt Payoff Report

Alright, let’s get into it. So, we’ve been doing this Broke on Purpose thing for 10 months now and in that short time we’ve paid off all of our Credit Card Debt as well as paying off our car five years early! We initially set a goal to pay off $30,000 of our debt by the end of the year. To achieve this, we set a strict budget, gave up vacations, forwent buying new clothes, ate crockpot meals, and said no to going out with friends. What probably sounds like the worse restrictions one could place on themselves turned into a system that allowed us to flourish!

Marcus and Melody 2015 Debt Payoff Report www.livebrokeonpurpose.com

I’m excited to announce that in 10 short months we’ve paid off $29,506! Just $500 short of our $30,000 goal. When I realized, we were going to be $500 short I frantically racked my brain trying to figure out how we could make up the amount in 10 hours. I couldn’t come up with anything legal  so I just gave thanks to God for blessing us with such an abundant year. This month we were able to pay off a whopping $4,366 in debt. In full disclosure, $1,400 of that came from a holiday bonus the hubs received from work. We’re still working our debt snowball and have $6,000 left on our first student loan to pay off. We hope to have that paid off by February.

Our goal for the end of 2016 is to pay off an additional $50,000 in debt!

Did you make any big financial breakthroughs last year? Are you planning on tackling debt and making a change this year? Do you want to learn more about Broke on Purpose and how it can change your life?Share with me in the comments below.